Don’t surround yourself with yes-men

Imagine someone who agrees with everything you say. After all the times people doubted and questioned your abilities – isn’t that what you’ve been yearning for? Someone who always says yes? Unfortunately, the “yes-person” is a sinkhole that lures you in with all the sweets you thought you ever wanted…

Why you shouldn’t surround yourself with yes-men
Not quite sure what a yes-person is? Yes-men are people who agree with everything you say without question. They’re only interested in maintaining the status-quo, however good or bad that may be. If you want your business to grow – you need to hear the full story. Only hearing what you want impedes opportunities for innovation.

Here are three reasons why yes-men are not the golden ticket to business prosperity:

Yes-men are two-faced
There is plenty of research to suggest that yes-men undermine authenticity. Those who maintain a front of false agreeability often grow to resent the managers they initially sought to please. Yes-men talk behind people’s backs instead of sharing their true opinions in a constructive manner. This practice fosters groupthink, wherein no one is willing to challenge ideas. A workforce characterised by backstabbing and false affirmation creates an uncomfortable environment for everyone.

Yes-men don’t say what you need to hear
We all make bad decisions from time to time. But sometimes we are too caught up in the moment to see it. That’s when we need someone to give us honest feedback. Yes-men won’t give us that. They’re notorious for shying away from difficult conversations. They politely smile and nod away while the boat sinks. When you start to notice your business declining, you will wonder – Why didn’t anyone tell me sooner? If you want to get the best outcome possible and harness the power of innovative ideas, surround yourself with people who aren’t afraid of posing hard questions. Yes-men are only good for your ego. They won’t challenge you or help your business grow.

Yes-men don’t follow through on their promises
Yes-men typically make promises they can’t keep. They put other people’s needs before their own at their own expense, creating an unsustainable working environment. As a result, you can’t rely on yes-men to deliver on everything they say they’re going to. If you want to grow your business, seek highly engaged workers who are motivated to ask questions, contribute their ideas, and take ownership for their actions.

How to avoid a yes-men culture
There’s evidence to suggest that yes-men don’t become that way on their own. Rather, their temperament is shaped by a culture which inadvertently discourages autonomy. So, what can you do to ensure you don’t accidentally foster a yes-men culture?

Here are some tips to help:

  • Show that you appreciate someone’s hard work

Positive affirmations go a long way. One way to show gratitude for someone’s hard work is through a “weekly wins” meeting at the end of the week, wherein the company celebrates everyone’s achievements. Acknowledging people’s achievements creates a positive company culture, where people feel valued.

  • Inspire your team with your vision

A person who is wholeheartedly passionate about what they do is incredibly inspiring. In team meetings, don’t just dictate roles. Invite your team to explore their strengths, and how they can contribute to the business. Allowing your employees to be autonomous builds trust, fostering rewarding relationships.

  • Invite feedback

When you have a new business idea, ask for feedback. A good start to welcoming feedback is to ensure your team understands how to pose constructive criticism. We get it, criticism can be tough. But it’s better to hear it then suffer the consequences of an ill-advised initiative. So, ensure your team knows the difference between hollow judgements and constructive criticism, wherein a solution is offered to heal something that might be problematic. Having open communication between frontline managers and employers is also important. Employees who feel unheard are more likely to behave in vindictive ways.

  • Reinforce the importance of establishing boundaries

One type of yes-person is someone who takes on too much without saying no. People who agree to everything without thinking through their pre-existing workload set themselves up for a catastrophic burnout. To prevent such a predicament, let your team know that it’s ok to say no to something once in a while.

Yes-men ultimately don’t help make things happen. But Brainiact does! We love meeting up with all kinds of people to discuss ways of furthering business. We won’t blindside you with sycophantic compliments. We strive to be constructive and transparent in all that we do. Asking for help will be the best business decision you’ve ever made.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you expand your business! We have a variety of services tailored to all budgets.